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Monthly Statistics

    Jun 2020 Jun 2021 Jun 2022 Jun 2023 Jun 2024 Change from
previous year
International Terminal Passengers Dep 2,529 88,587 300,468 378,439 427,608 +13.0%
  Arr 819 101,913 303,063 375,815 431,128 +14.7%
Transit   0 5 1 1 2 +100.0%
Total Passengers   3,348 190,505 603,532 754,255 858,738 +13.9%
International Aircraft Movements Dep 142 999 1,999 2,460 2,807 +14.1%
  Arr 138 984 1,999 2,449 2,826 +15.4%
Total Aircraft   280 1,983 3,998 4,909 5,633 +14.7%
Cargo to the nearest metric tonne Import 720 718 891 1,147 1,186 +3.4%
  Export 720 606 486 422 575 +36.3%
Total Cargo   1,440 1,324 1,377 1,569 1,760 +12.2%