Health and Safety
Malta International Airport plc is committed to safeguarding the occupational safety, health and well-being of its employees and others who may be affected by the work being carried out for the organisation, including customers, passengers, service partners, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers and the general public. The Company has in place the necessary mechanisms to protect employees and other stakeholders from harassment, bullying and ill health, and has most recently appointed a Lead Health and Safety Officer to ensure that Health and Safety matters arising within the Company are addressed accordingly.
Within the scope of operations at MIA, the Company’s top management commits to safeguard and shall actively demonstrate commitment through an established Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) based on compliance to ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 45003:2021, and the legal and statutory requirements.
The Company is committed to the safe and efficient operation of its facility and shall endeavour to maintain a high standard of personal safe behaviour, equipment integrity, reliability of operations, sound preventive maintenance, staff awareness, training and effective safety management in order to, within the bounds of what is reasonable and achievable, eliminate risk at source, avoid unnecessary risk, reduce and mitigate resultant risk to people and the environment arising from operations.
The collective processes, including related policies, plans and procedures that shall deliver the Company’s policy goals and objectives in this regard shall constitute a formal Occupational Health and Safety Management System, which shall meet the minimum requirements of ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 45003:2021 International Standards.
Following recent updates to its Health and Safety at Work Policy, Malta International Airport will be aligning its Health & Safety statement in due course.