Author Archives for Lorna Refalo

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Top Tips for Choosing Luggage

April 30, 2021 10:39 am Published by Comments Off on Top Tips for Choosing Luggage

Think about the last time you purchased new luggage; was your choice based solely on price and colour or did... more

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Travelling with a Furry Companion

October 20, 2020 10:25 am Published by Comments Off on Travelling with a Furry Companion

While many find the prospect of travelling exciting, preparations for a trip are usually not carried out with the same... more

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Airport Travel Tips

May 10, 2021 11:45 am Published by Comments Off on Airport Travel Tips

As we eagerly await the revival of travel and tourism and to welcome you at our airport again, we have... more

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The ABC of Whizzing through Security

January 20, 2020 9:19 am Published by Comments Off on The ABC of Whizzing through Security

The security screening process is perhaps one of travellers’ least favourite part of the airport journey. Will I beep as... more